Chorosynthesis Singers featured in Choral Journal Diversity Issue Wendy MoyOctober 6, 2017Choral Journal, Chorosynthesis Singers, Diversity, Wendy Moy Co-Artistic Director
INTERVIEW WITH CHORUS AMERICA: 40 YEARS OF ENTREPRENEURIAL SPIRIT Wendy MoySeptember 1, 2017Wendy Moy entrepreneur, Chorus America, Voice of Chorus America
NW ACDA: Re-Imagining Relevance through New Music & Social Consciousness Wendy MoyAugust 19, 2017Wendy Moy presenter, NW ACDA, Chorosynthesis, Social Consciousness, New Music
Rhode Island All-State Senior High School Honor Choir Wendy MoyAugust 2, 2017All-State Choir, Wendy K. Moy conductor, Rhode Island Music Education Association, RIMEA
Assistant Conductor for Tyler's Suite at Lincoln Center Wendy MoyJuly 1, 2017Wendy Moy conductor, Lincoln Center, Tyler's Suite
Chorosynthesis Singers Named 2nd place Winner of The American Prize in Choral Performance, Professional Division Wendy MoyMay 8, 2017Chorosynthesis Singers, The American Prize, Wendy Moy Co-Artistic Director, Wendy K. Moy conductor
American Prize in Conducting (professional chorus division) Wendy MoyApril 8, 2017Wendy Moy conductor, The American Prize, Chorosynthesis Singers
National ACDA Poster Presentation Wendy MoyMarch 8, 2017ACDA Poster Session, Seattle Men's Chorus, Ethnography, National ACDA Conference, Wendy Moy researcher
Bethel College Choirs Retreat Wendy MoyFebruary 18, 2017Wendy Moy clinician, Bethel College, Bethel College Choirs, Jeshua Franklin